In the tradition of Oliver Twist and The Painted Bird, Espero follows the story of a small African boy sold into slavery in the port of Lisbon at the turn of the 16th century. After a privileged upbringing in the home of a prominent Spanish physician, Espero is abruptly thrown into the life of a fugitive among the underworld in Seville. With only his troubled destiny as his guide, Espero, working as servant to an unpredictable drunkard, is forced to accompany an expedition to the uncharted land of La Florida in the New World.
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Roberto Ernesto Gyemant – DJ Beto (Soundway)
Roving Cultural Correspondent for Ishmael Reed’s Konch Magazine, Roberto Ernesto Gyemant has also published articles in Wax Poetics Magazine, the literary magazine of DJ Culture, and Latin Beat Magazine. He wrote the liner notes and co-compiled the Panama! and Colombia! series of CDs/LPs on Soundway Records UK, which were featured on NPR.
Espero is his first novel.
DJing recently in SF (Superritmo!), LA (Subsuelo), NY (303), Montreal (Nuits D’Afrique) and Tokyo (Tokyo Sabroso)